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[핵 테러 대응 매뉴얼] How to Survive a Nuclear Terrorist Attack (핵 테러리스트 공격에서 살아남는 법) 본문

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[핵 테러 대응 매뉴얼] How to Survive a Nuclear Terrorist Attack (핵 테러리스트 공격에서 살아남는 법)

김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2016. 7. 17. 20:00

How to Survive a Nuclear Terrorist Attack (핵 테러리스트 공격에서 살아남는 법)

You can increase your chances of staying alive if you know how to decrease your exposure to radiation.

Step 1: Get potassium iodide (요오드칼륨을 복용하라) 
Have potassium iodide on hand; you may need it to protect your thyroid from the radioactive iodine fallout of a nuclear event. It is available without a prescription; ask your pharmacist for an FDA-approved brand and dosage guidelines.

In the event of an attack, emergency officials may advise people over 40 not to take potassium iodide, since they have the lowest chance of developing thyroid cancer or thyroid injury after exposure to radioactive iodine.

Step 2: Go below (아래로 내려가라)
If an attack is imminent, get indoors and go as far below ground as you can. If that's not possible, seek whatever shelter you can.

Step 3: Seal yourself in (옥내에 있을 경우, 자신을 봉인하라)
Once indoors, close all windows and doors and turn off air conditioners, heaters, and other ventilation systems.

Step 4: Seal up your car (건물에 들어갈 수 없을 경우, 차안에 봉인하라)
If you can't get to a building, stay inside your car. Close the windows and vents, turn off the heat and A/C, and hold a cloth over your mouth and nose to avoid breathing in radioactive dust and smoke.

Step 5: Protect yourself outdoors (외부에서 자신을 보호하라 ; 섬광은 보지도 말고 피폭 물건은 만지지 마라)
If you're caught outdoors or very near the blast when it happens, don't look at it or you risk temporary or even permanent blindness. Keep your mouth open so your eardrums don't burst. Don't touch objects thrown by an explosion; they might be radioactive.

Step 6: Stay put (핵 폭발 중심에서 16Km 밖에 있다면 2,3일간 머물러 있어라)
If you are more than 10 miles from the epicenter of the blast, remain in the shelter for 48 to 72 hours after the blast.

Step 7: Get out of Dodge! (핵 폭발 중심에서 16Km 이내에 있다면 멀리 나와라)
If you are closer than 10 miles to the epicenter after the explosion, get moving! You have 10 to 20 minutes to get at least a mile away from the mushroom cloud, or you risk lethal radiation poisoning.

Be sure to move downwind or perpendicular to the wind.

Step 8: Cover up (입,코,피부 등을 덮은 상태로 있어라)
Keep your mouth, nose, and as much of your skin covered as you move away from the blast area.Once you're at a safe distance, take off your clothes; this alone may get rid of up to 80 percent of radioactive dust. Then take a shower, which will further reduce your exposure.

Step 9: Get decontaminated (몸에서 오염물을 제거해라)
Rid your body of radioactive material as soon as possible by reporting to the nearest decontamination center set up in your area.

Did You Know?
In the film "Godzilla 1985," a Soviet captain tries to launch a nuclear missile at Tokyo after learning that Godzilla is back.