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김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2019. 12. 3. 20:30

ex) Hybrid Car Grill Blocking strategy

하이브리드 엔진과 라디에이터 위치 및 온도 유지를 생각해서 겨울철 5도 이하시는 하부 그릴 통풍구 100% 블로킹

                                                                                                                상부 그릴 통풍구 50% 블로킹

                                                                                               during cold winter

temp in Celsiustemp in Fahrenheitlower blocking %upper blocking %
below 5below 4110050
5 - 1841 - 647550
18 - 3064 - 86750
above 30above 86500

ex} on the ZVW30, I confirmed the HV inverter/motor coolant radiator is located at the top.
I believe we have to leave open the upper grill on the ZVW30 for better cooling of the inverter

coolant during hot summer.