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목록머리 어깨 무릎 발 (2)
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세상에서 가장 귀여운 인기동요 34 곡 수록
세상에서 가장 귀여운 인기동요 01 Row Row Row Your Boat (릿자로 끝나는 말) 02 Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes (머리, 어깨, 무릎, 발) 03 London Bridge Is Falling Down (런던 브릿지가 가라앉네) 04 Mary Had A Little Lamb (메리의 어린양) 05 With My Foot I Tap, Tap, Tap (발 구르기) 06 I Am The Music Man (나는 음악가) 07 Old Mcdonald H..
☞ Click ! 하위 폴더/-☆ 만화 동요집
2014. 10. 12. 16:36
[동요] Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes (머리, 어깨, 무릎, 발)
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes (머리, 어깨, 무릎, 발) Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. And eyes, and ears, and mouth, And nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. ** Head - 머리 ** Shoulder - 어깨 ** Knees - 무릎 ** Toes - 발가락 head and shoulders knees and toes, kn..
☞ Click ! 하위 폴더/-☆ 만화 동요집
2013. 3. 17. 13:16