관리 메뉴

초록별과 그린 라이프

[영어 프레젠테이션] 회사소개, 연혁소개, 업종소개, 주제제시, 목차소개 등 본문

My Prep.for green life/+ 다국어 활용

[영어 프레젠테이션] 회사소개, 연혁소개, 업종소개, 주제제시, 목차소개 등

김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2012. 8. 1. 09:00




I'd like to give you a brief introduction about the company.
저희 회사에 대하여 간략히 소개 드리겠습니다.
I'd like to give you 격식
= let me give you~

introduction = overview, outline (회사소개시)


The company was established in 1970 by Richard Raskin.
저희 회사는 Richard Raskin에 의해 1970년에 설립되었습니다.
was established in - was set up in, was founded in
The company started in 1970.
회사는 1970년에 시작되었다.


We are a leading manufacturer in the electronics industry.
우리는 전자산업 분야의 선두 제조업체입니다.
distributor 유통업체
educator 교육업체
a leading + 업종 + in + 산업분야


Today's topic is on increasing the number of overseas branches.
오늘 말하고자 하는 주제는 해외지사 증설에 관한 것입니다.
Today's topic is on~
= My topic has to do with~
= Today, I'd like to talk about~
= What I'd like to talk about today is~


I'm going to split my talk into three parts : First, I want to start by giving you our advertisemet plan. Secondly, I'm going to talk about the importance of public relations. Finally, I'll tell you about the effect of events.
저는 세부분으로 나누어 말씀드리려 합니다. 첫째는 우리의 광고계획을 말씀드리고, 둘째는 홍보의 중요성을 말씀드리며, 마지막으로 이벤트의 효과에 대해 말씀드리고자 합니다.




영어 프리젠테이션에서 자주 쓰는 표현 .



◈ Opening (시작인사) ◈

1. Good morning. Thank you for giving me a chance to give you a presentation on the status of the SAMS system just recently announced.
발표기회를 주셔서 감사합니다.

2. Good afternoon. It's a great pleasure to make a presentation to you today on what's happening with the new PC we started marketing.
여러분께 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다.

◈ Introductory (개요소개) ◈

1. My presentation today will deal with two main considerations.
오늘 발표에서 두가지를 언급코저합니다.

2. Today, I would like to talk about the effects of rapidly changing business environment.
..의 영향에 관해 말씀드리고저...

3. My presentation today will focus on the new marketing support programs.
..에 관해 중점적으로 말씀드리고저...

◈ Charts intro (차트 소개) ◈

1. Let's start out with a look at where we stand in terms of price competitiveness.
우선 ..을 한번 살펴봅시다.

2. Let me start off by briefing you on the situation facing us in recruiting professionals.
..에 관해 우선 간단히 말씀드리지요.

3. This foil gives an overview of what's happening with our employees in terms of morale.
이 시트는 ..의 개요를 보여줍니다.

4. Here is a snapshot of our business performance as of the second quarter.
분기 실적을 잠시보시면...

5. I would like to brief you on where we stand and where we expect to be in terms of business performance.
..에 관해 간략히 말씀드리고저...

6. First of all, let's take a look at how this product is selling.
우선 ..의 현황을 보시지요.



[실전 예1]


안녕하세요 여러분

Good evening! Everyone( Ladies and gentlemen)

우선 제 소개를 하겠습니다.

I’d like to introduce myself.

My name is E.H YU and I’m from ARA SHIPPING Co., LTD

I'm in charge of general affairs.

이번 프레젠테이션을 하게 되어 영광입니다.

I’m honored to make this presentation.

질문이 있으시면 주저마시고 말씀해주세요

Do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.

오늘의 주제는 우리 회사 소개입니다.

Today of subject is introduce our company.

자, 그럼 우리 회사 소개를 시작하겠습니다.

So, let me introduce our company.

우리 회사의 이름은 ara인데 제주도내의 한 지명입니다.

Our company name is ara, which is a place name of Jeju island.

네.. 그럼 자세한 이야기는 본론에 들어가서 하도록 하겠습니다.

Ok. I will talk about a detail story in main subject

먼저 회사개요를 말씀 드리겠습니다.

Firstly, I’d like to say the company’s overview.

(I’d like to start with the company’s overview.)

설립년도는 2003년 이며, 사장은 김명진입니다.

Our company was established in 2003 and the president is Mr. Myung-Jin Kim.

주요 사업영역은 선박중개 입니다.

Our main business area is the ship broking

영업팀과 관리팀으로 구성되어 있습니다.

The company is composed of Business Team and Management Team.

현재 직원수는 5명입니다.

Total numbers of employees are five.

다음은 회사연혁에 대해 말씀 드리겠습니다.

Next, I’d like to say the company’s history.

우리회사는 2003년도에 신문로에서 시작되었습니다.

We started our business at sinmunro in 2003.

여기까지가 제가 준비한 프레젠테이션이었습니다.

this is all I prepared for presentation.

경청해 주셔서 감사합니다. 질문 하실 것 있으십니까?

thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?


[실전 예2]






카나다에“또리의모험”이라는게임을2005년도에납품하였으며, 중국에“Three Hero”라는게임을2005년도에납품하였습니다.


:회사의비전및경쟁력장표는경영방침,사업전략,비즈니스도메인,중기사업계획,마케팅전략, 06년중점실행계획으로구성되어있습니다.









Resolution of these issues from now on I will try to explain.


Took office in 2000, they raised the issue of unfair trade and

Many of them were trying to solve these problems.


First, their work does not pay as much as the poor of the local fair price paid to coffee producers, many claims have been suggesting.


It started with this claim is that fair trade coffee, I should explain a few divided into


one, fair trade coffee growers to prevent the low quality Robusta species, ecosystems and the environment, organic coffee is considered.


two, whether male or female, without discrimination, shall be paid wages equal to nodonghan. Regardless of who you are or will be receiving the same pay.


three, stands for social and human rights guarantees the rights of producers and provide a safe and healthy working environment.


four, producers, freed from the tyranny of multinational corporations that can help


five, coffee production due to natural disasters, and strive to reduce environmental pollution


These efforts just benefit people in developing countries and poor countries is not intended to give

As the earth we live in a community brings benefits to all.


The discussion is only fair trade income to the moral and economic principles is coming yunrigwa.


Producers and producers with a fair trade to create the road after receiving a fair price, or set up schools to improve housing and real progress becomes possible.


We buy coffee and other fair trade products from around the world by changing lives of the poor is giving them.


In recent years, a beautiful coffee country, YMCA, such as fair trade coffee from institutions to develop and sell products and build markets, he said. It is indeed good news.


Positively by the public, if you purchase these products in South Korea in the largest fair trade can help spread and a large force would be a poor producer deulegedo.


Fair trade coffee is coffee, the beautiful leader of the country.


Beautiful coffee in Nepal, Uganda, Peru and the origin of coffee and introduced a wide range of fair trade coffee.


The issue, how many products have a competitive edge that South Korea is reaching consumers tastes.


If you do not taste good even if the purpose and effect is difficult, obviously, leads to buy.


However, the results we've had our very own was satisfactory.


I've been training for a kind of beautiful coffee drinks Get ready for a presentation with


Doing? Starbucks, Coffee Bean does as much as the taste.


The machine also does not need to deuripbaek manner.


We do not have much to do. This fair trade coffee, put a lot of them on our blog and tell them.


Also, a lot of royalty-free, and the value of domestic outlets and an expensive brand of coffee than the fair value of political parties took just enjoy this delicious coffee will be