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Bridge Over Troubled Water 험한 세상의 징검다리가 되어 - 사이먼 앤 가펑클
색다르고 생생한 vocal 음색의 Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water 험한 세상의 다리가 되어, 말하자면 험한 세상의 징검다리가 되어 1941년 10월 13일 뉴저지 주 뉴워크(Newark)에서 태어난 폴 프레데릭 사이먼(Paul Frederick Simon)과, 그보다 23일 늦게 뉴욕에서 태어난 아서 가펑클(Arthur Garfunkel)은 ..
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2013. 6. 23. 22:02
[스크랩] The Boxer - Simon And Garfunkel
"The Boxer - Simon And Garfunkel" I am just a poor boy Though my story's seldom told I have squandered my resistance For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises All lies and jests Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest Hm~~~~~~~~ Hm~~~~~~~~ When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy In the company of strangers In the quiet of the railway station runni..
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2010. 5. 21. 10:56