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[개.나.발.] Let's think about today's status and ... 본문

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[개.나.발.] Let's think about today's status and ...

김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2010. 12. 31. 07:30

*. 개.나.발. : 개인의 발전과 나라의 발전을 위하여!


    2010.9.1. 최초입력, 2010.12.23. 수정입력


*. 개인으로서의 성공과 번영을 위하여 : 

    인간(김민섭)으로서의 매력과 역할, 건강증진과 실력향상,

    대인관계의 개선 또는 확대, 영향력 향상을 위하여


        개선해야 하는데, 실행해야 하는데 놓치고 있는 것은 없는지,

        그것을 달성하기 위해  어느 정도의 시간을 투자하고 있는 것인지...







*. 사회인으로서의 성공과 번영을 위하여 :

    직장을 위해, (잠재) 고객을 위해, 국가와 민족, 세계를 위하여


       개선해야 하는데, 실행해야 하는데 놓치고 있는 것은 없는지, 

       그것을 달성하기 위해 어느 정도의 시간을 투자하고 있는 것인지...

  • 연구 개발 회의?
  • TFT 회의 어떤? 
  • 업무촉진회의, 부서 회의?
  • 고객 또는 전문가 MT/ 세미나/교육/출장 등은?
  • 잘못된 방향으로 진행되는 것은  없는지... 






  • sta·tus   [stéitəs, stǽt-]
         1. 지위, 신분; 높은 지위, 위신; [법] (법률상의) 신분

         2. 사정, 사태, 현상




  • In most cases the status-quo favors the ruling groups in societies, and I would like to provide more scope for movement to people who do not have enough opportunity to be excellent, he said. (출처: The Korea Herald)

    “대부분의 경우 현실은 부유층의 주류사회에 유리하게 마련인데 나는 뛰어날 기회가 없었던 사람들에게 활동의 영역을 넓혀주고자 한다”고 그는 말했다.

  • Too many women think motherhood somehow elevates their social status, allowing them to disregard everyone else. (출처: The Korea Herald)

    아기에게 모유를 먹이겠다는 여성에게는 박수를 보내지만 그게 다른 사람은 알 바가 아니잖습니까.

  • In Korean society, the prestige of your university determines your social status. (출처: The Korea Herald)

    한국 사회에서는 어떤 대학을 나왔는가가 각자의 사회적 지위를 결정한다.

  • Koreans, however, are often more interested in buying a status symbol than riding a legend. (출처: The Korea Herald)

    그러나 한국인들은 보다 자주 명품을 타는 것보다는 자신의 신분을 상징하는 오토바이를 구매하는 데 더 큰 관심을 갖고 있다.






  • a·gen·da   /əˈjendə/
  • noun: order paper

    • agendas plural
    • A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting
      • the question of nuclear weapons had been removed from the agenda
    • A plan of things to be done or problems to be addressed
      • he vowed to put jobs at the top of his agenda
      • the government had its own agenda
    • The underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group
      • Miller has his own agenda and it has nothing to do with football
    • An appointment diary

관련 구문

관련 언어

웹 정의

    • The Agenda with Steve Paikin is the flagship current affairs program of TVO, ontario’s public broadcaster. The show practises what anchor and senior editor Steve Paikin calls "long-form" journalism. Each program tackles no more than two topics, and often only one. ...
    • An agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up, beginning with the call to order and ending with adjournment. It usually includes one or more specific items of business to be considered. ...
    • The name Agenda (“Things to be Done”; Germ. Agende or Kirchenagende) is given, particularly in the Lutheran Church, to the official books dealing with the forms and ceremonies of divine service.
    • Agenda was an hour long current affairs show in New Zealand. It screened at 10 am on Sundays on TV onE. Its final host was Rawdon Christie with political interviews conducted by Guyon Espiner. Christie and Espiner were joined each week by three panelists from the New Zealand media. ...
    • Mother's Agenda - l'Agenda - is a massive 13 volume, 6,000 page, journal of The Mother's (born Mirra Alfassa) spiritual and physical experiences, recorded by Satprem over a period of 19 years, beginning with some fragments dating to 1951, and continuing in greater detail (especially with ...
    • The list of items to be discussed at the meeting. Every meeting requires careful planning to ensure that objectives are met. The agenda is prepared, usually by the Chair in consultation with the CEO, and sent out to members prior to the meeting date. ...
    • The order in which the issues before a committee will be discussed. The first duty of a committee following the roll call is usually to set the agenda.
    • (also known as Order Paper) means the agenda listing items for consideration at a meeting together with reports and other attachments relating to those items.


      2010. 10. 20. 최초입력