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초록별, 지금 몇 시죠? What time/population is it now in Korea ? It is ... 본문

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초록별, 지금 몇 시죠? What time/population is it now in Korea ? It is ...

김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2012. 6. 23. 20:02





Current Korea Clock 한국 시간



프로필 이미지


Green Earth Population Clock 인구 시계


Korea Republic(South Korea) 50,000,000

DPR Korea(North Korea) 23,000,000

Pan Korea(World)  80,000,000

U.S. 313,790,660
World 7,021,455,285
03:29 UTC (EST+5) Jun 24, 2012


Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the equivalent of Eastern Standard Time (EST) plus 5 hours or Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) plus 4 hours.

Note: The U.S. POPClock is consistent with Census 2010 data and the most recent national population estimates.

Population clocks on the US Census Bureau's Web site will update continuously for one minute and then will update once per minute after the first minute a web page is displayed.


See the Detailed POPClock Pages for more information:


이 시각 현재 미국 인구 -> Current U.S. POPClock

이 시각 현재 세계 인구 -> Current World POPClock

이시간 현재 미국 및 세계 인구 -> U.S. and World Population Clocks