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한민족과학기술자 네트워크, KOSEN 프로그램 및 기술 자료 소개 본문

My Prep.for green life/초록:별의 전공과 이용 관련

한민족과학기술자 네트워크, KOSEN 프로그램 및 기술 자료 소개

김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2010. 12. 9. 08:30




  KOSEN(에서는 여러분께 해외 최신 연구 논문에 대한 분석물, 국제학술  대회참가보고서, 주요국가의 첨단기술동향조사보고서를 분석하기 위한 기회를 여러분께 드리고자 합니다.
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 분석하신 결과 보고서는 <분석자료>게시판에 등록이 됩니다.

 현재 분석 요청중인 자료와 분석비는 아래와 같습니다.



 -  Induced-charge electrokinetic phenomena   \140,000원


 -  Experimental studies of the electronic structure of graphene   \200,000원

 -  Design of electrical capacitance tomography sensors   \80,000원


 -  The atomic AXAFS and XANES techniques as applied to heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis   \140,000원


 -  Theoretical Description of Hydrogel Swelling:A Review   \140,000원


 -  Semiconductor-based Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation   \240,000원


 -  Helping plants to deal with insects: the role of beneficial soil-borne microbes   \60,000원

 -  Neural bases of the non-conscious perception of emotional signals   \100,000원

 -  Why not treat human cancer with IL-1 blockade?   \100,000원

 -  Challenges in protein-folding simulations   \80,000원

 -  Relational knowledge: the foundation of higher cognition   \60,000원


 -  Urinary clusterin, cystatin C, β2-microglobulin and total protein as markers to detect drug-induced kidney injury   \140,000원

 -  Eaten alive: a history of macroautophagy   \80,000원


 -  Pluripotency and Cellular Reprogramming: Facts, Hypotheses, Unresolved Issues   \120,000원


 -  Eph receptors and ephrins in cancer: bidirectional signalling and beyond   \140,000원

 -  Unit Operations of Tissue Development: Epithelial folding   \140,000원

 -  Targeting the tumour vasculature: insights from physiological angiogenesis   \80,000원

 -  Chemistry and material science at the cell surface   \60,000원


 -  Microbial carbonate precipitation in construction materials: A review   \140,000원


 -  A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing   \80,000원

나노 바이오

 -  Physics of Cellular Movements   \160,000원

 -  Artificial bacterial flagella for micromanipulation   \100,000원

 -  Virus hybrids as nanomaterials for biotechnology   \80,000원

 -  Phase Separation in Biological Membranes: Integration of Theory and Experiment   \140,000원

 -  Group IV Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Properties, and Biological Applications   \120,000원

 -  Strategies in the design of nanoparticles for therapeutic applications   \80,000원

 -  Nucleic Acid/Organic Polymer Hybrid Materials:Synthesis, Superstructures, and Applications   \100,000원

 -  Strategy for effective brain drug delivery   \100,000원

 -  High-frequency nanofluidics: a universal formulation of the fluid dynamics of MEMS and NEMS   \100,000원

 -  Applications of biological pores in nanomedicine, sensing, and nanoelectronics   \180,000원

 -  Upconverting luminescent nanoparticles for use in bioconjugation and bioimaging   \80,000원

생물자원 보존/생산/이용 기술

 -  Lessons from the genomes of extremely acidophilic bacteria and archaea with special emphasis on bioleaching microorganisms   \80,000원


 -  The Evolution and Future of Earth’s Nitrogen Cycle   \40,000원


 -  A Review of Surface Roughness Effects in Gas Turbines   \120,000원

 -  A review of thermodynamic cycles and working fluids for the conversion of low-grade heat   \80,000원

 -  Active low-grade energy recovery potential for building energy conservation   \80,000원

미소/극미소 기전시스템 장비

 -  A global assessment of piezoelectric actuated micro-pumps   \60,000원

측정표준/시험평가 기술

 -  Application of the essential work of fracture(EWF) concept for polymers, related blends and composites:A review   \140,000원


 -  Growth factor delivery-based tissue engineering: general approaches and a review of recent developments   \100,000원

 -  Polymer- and colloid-mediated bioassays, sensors and diagnostics   \60,000원


 -  Recent Progress on ZnO-Based Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors and Their Application in Transparent Integrated Circuits   \120,000원


 -  Mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses   \250,000원

 -  Targeting nanoparticles to cancer   \80,000원

 -  Recent advances in graphene based polymer composites   \120,000원

 -  Determining nanomaterials in food   \100,000원

분리/정제 기술

 -  Boron removal by reverse osmosis membranes in seawater desalination applications   \100,000원

공정 시스템 기술

 -  Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation   \140,000원

생물화학 공정 기술

 -  Biofuels: Biomolecular Engineering Fundamentals and Advances   \100,000원

전자요소 기술

 -  From Printed Circuit Boards to Systems-on-a-Chip   \80,000원

 -  Recent Developments in Top-Emitting Organic Light-Emitting Diodes   \80,000원


 -  Prediction and Comparison of High-Performance on-Chip Global Interconnection   \80,000원

 -  ESD Avoiding Circuits for Solving OTP Memory Falsely Programmed Issues   \60,000원

융합전기전자 기술 시스템

 -  On the temperature distribution in polymer electrolyte fuel cells   \100,000원

시스템 소프트웨어

 -  Peer-to-Peer Systems   \120,000원

컴퓨터 그래픽스/게임/에니메이션 기술

 -  AniViz: A Template-Based Animation Tool for Volume Visualization   \80,000원


 -  A cross-layer approach for integrating security mechanisms in sensor networks architectures   \80,000원


 -  The roots of a new green revolution   \60,000원


 -  Rapid Actions of Sex Steroids in the Endothelium   \100,000원

 -  Cell communications in the heart   \80,000원

 -  Iron, Lead, and Children's Behavior and Cognition   \120,000원

 -  Iron overload cardiomyopathy: better understanding of an increasing disorder   \100,000원

 -  Primary ovarian insufficiency   \80,000원


 -  Lipid-induced insulin resistance: unravelling the mechanism   \80,000원

 -  Goal-directed and habitual control in the basal ganglia: implications for Parkinson's disease   \100,000원

 -  Molecular biology and pathology of prion strains in sporadic human prion diseases   \80,000원

 -  Systems vaccinology   \100,000원


 -  Fresh fruit and vegetables as vehicles for the transmission of human pathogens   \80,000원


 -  A review on endogenous regenerative technology in periodontal regenerative medicine   \180,000원

 -  Biofunctionalization of titanium for dental implant   \60,000원

사전오염예방/청정요소 기술

 -  Review: Prioritizing research for trace pollutants and emerging contaminants in the freshwater environment   \80,000원

환경오염 제어/관리 기술

 -  Water purification using magnetic assistance - A review   \80,000원

 -  Coconut-based biosorbents for water treatment_Review   \120,000원

 -  Humic substances fouling in ultrafiltration processes - Review   \100,000원

 -  Opportunities and challenges for managing nitrogen in urban stormwater: A review and synthesis   \80,000원

환경보전/복원 기술

 -  Molecular detection of pathogens in water - The pros and cons of molecular techniques   \80,000원

환경보건 기술

 -  Non-cancer effects of formaldehyde and relevance for setting an indoor air guideline   \80,000원

에너지 생산 시스템

 -  Hemicelluloses for fuel ethanol: A review   \140,000원


 -  Building a wave energy policy focusing on innovation, manufacturing and deployment   \120,000원

 -  High quality biodiesel and its diesel engine application: A review   \80,000원

 -  Low-Cost Inorganic Solar Cells: From Ink To Printed Device   \160,000원

 -  The Power of Renewables: Opportunities and challenge for China and the United States   \80,000원

 -  Agriculture-Based Biofuels: Overview and Emerging Issues   \140,000원

 -  Thermal stability of biodiesel and its blends: A review   \80,000원



원자력 안전 기술

 -  Verification, validation and uncertainty quantification in multi-physics modeling for nuclear reactor design and safety analysis   \100,000원


 -  Marine Energy Action Plan 2010: Executive Summary & Recommendations   \160,000원


 -  An Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era   \100,000원

과학기술과 정책

 -  Energy, industry and politics: Energy, vested interests, and long-term economic growth and development   \100,000원

 -  European competitiveness reports 2010   \150,000원

KOSEN 회원여러분께 <분석자료>게시판에 게시된 보고서를 공유하시기를 추천하며,적극적인 참여부탁드립니다.

비공개 자료의 분석을 위해 자료가 필요하신 분들은 관리자에게 요청하셔서 원본을 미리 받아보실 수 있습니다.    * 최재숙(, 042-869-1743) *


2010년 12 월 8 일


KOSEN은 한민족과학자 기술네트워크 입니다.


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