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오늘 골반 교정 벨트 착용후 운동 시작 본문
현미의 골반.척추 교정운동입니다.
허벅지, 복근을 강화해 주는 골반 교정 운동
골반이 심하게 틀어진 경우는 전문의에게 치료를 받는 것이 중요하다.
하지만 생활 속에서 약간 불편함을 느끼는 정도라면
집에서 간단하게 할 수 있는 골반 교정 운동으로 효과를 볼 수 있다.
운동으로 골반 주위의 인대와 건, 둔부, 허벅지, 복근, 척추 부위의 근육을 강화 할 수 있다.
나비 자세
1. 두 다리를 펴고 허리를 세워 앉는다.
양다리를 접어 몸 쪽으로 다이아몬드 모양을 만들며 서서히 당긴다.
이때 양손으로 발을 잡으며 허리를 세운다.
2. 팔꿈치로 양쪽 허벅지를 누르며 상체를 앞으로 숙여 스트레칭한다.
3. 허리를 서서히 세우며 상체를 편다.
활 자세
1. 양다리를 모은 채 바닥을 보고 엎드린 상태에서 손바닥으로 바닥을 짚고 천천히 허리를 올린다.
2. 왼다리는 책상다리 하듯 앞으로 접고, 반대쪽 다리는 뒤로 뻗는다.
3. 상체를 앞으로 서서히 숙여 스트레칭 한다. 반대편도 같은 방법으로 실시
Hip Flexor Stretch - Lying
Begin lying on your back, with your buttocks at the very edge of a bench or bed. Take one knee towards your chest as far as possible, letting the other leg drop down towards the floor (figure 2). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 2 – Hip flexor stretch lying (right leg)
Hip Flexor Stretch – Lunge
Begin in the lunge position, with the leg to be stretched behind you. Keeping your back straight and buttock muscles contracted, gently lunge forwards until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip (figure 3). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 3 – Hip flexor stretch lunge (right leg)
Hamstring Stretch
Place your foot on a step or chair. Keeping your knee and back straight, lean forward at your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh / knee (figure 2). Hold for 15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 2 – Hamstring Stretch
Hamstring Stretch (Knee Bent)
Place your foot on a bench or chair. Keep your back straight and your knee bent slightly. Lean forward at your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh (figure 3). Hold for 15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 3 – Hamstring Stretch (Knee Bent)
Hamstring Stretch Sitting
Begin sitting with one leg in front of you and your knee straight as demonstrated (figure 4). Lean forwards at your hips keeping your back as straight as possible. Move your hands towards your foot until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh / knee (figure 4). Hold for 15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 4 – Hamstring Stretch Sitting
Groin (Adductor) Stretch
Begin standing tall with your back straight, place your feet approximately twice shoulder width apart. Gently lunge to your right side, keeping your left knee straight, until you feel a stretch in the groin (figure 2). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free on each side.
Figure 2 – Groin Stretch (left leg)
Groin Stretch Sitting
Begin in sitting with your feet together and back straight. Using your elbows, gently push your knees down towards the floor until you feel a stretch in the groin (figure 3). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 3 – Groin Stretch Sitting
Supine Gluteal Stretch
Begin lying on your back. Using your hands, take your knee towards your opposite shoulder until you feel a stretch in the buttocks or front of your hip (figure 2). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 2 – Supine Gluteal Stretch (right leg)
Prone Gluteal Stretch
Begin this stretch on your hands and knees. Place the leg to be stretched under your stomach / chest, with your knee in front of your hips and your foot to the side as demonstrated (figure 3). Gently lower your upper body onto your leg, keeping your back leg straight, until you feel a stretch in the buttocks. Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 3 – Prone Gluteal Stretch (right leg)
Long Sitting Gluteal Stretch
Begin sitting on the floor with both legs in front of you. Place your foot of the leg to be stretched on the other side of your straight leg as demonstrated (figure 4). Keeping your back straight, pull the leg to be stretched towards your chest, until you feel a stretch in the buttocks (figure 4). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 4 – Long Sitting Gluteal Stretch (left leg)
Standing Gluteal Stretch
Begin standing at an appropriate bench with your leg to be stretched on the bench as demonstrated (figure 5). Keep your back straight and your knee in front of your hip. Allow your knee to drop towards the bench until you feel a stretch in the buttocks or hip (figure 5). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 5 – Standing Gluteal Stretch (left leg)
Hamstring Stretch
Place your foot on a step or chair. Keeping your knee and back straight, lean forward at your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh / knee (figure 2). Hold for 15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 2 – Hamstring Stretch
Hamstring Stretch (Knee Bent)
Place your foot on a bench or chair. Keep your back straight and your knee bent slightly. Lean forward at your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh (figure 3). Hold for 15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 3 – Hamstring Stretch (Knee Bent)
Hamstring Stretch Sitting
Begin sitting with one leg in front of you and your knee straight as demonstrated (figure 4). Lean forwards at your hips keeping your back as straight as possible. Move your hands towards your foot until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh / knee (figure 4). Hold for 15 seconds 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 4 – Hamstring Stretch Sitting
Quadriceps Stretch Standing
Use a chair or table for balance. Take your heel towards your bottom, keeping your knees together and your back straight until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh (figure 2). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 2 – Quadriceps stretch standing
Quadriceps Stretch Lying
Begin lying on your stomach. Take your heel towards your bottom, keeping your knees together and your back straight until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh (figure 3). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 3 – Quadriceps stretch lying
Quadriceps Stretch Lunge Position (Advanced)
Begin in the lunge position as demonstrated. Take your heel towards your bottom, keeping your back straight and your bottom muscles clenched, until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh (figure 4). Hold for 15 seconds, 4 times at a mild to moderate stretch pain-free.
Figure 4 – Quadriceps stretch lunge position
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