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인간 게놈(genome, 유전체) 정보 1시간內 해독 가능할까? 본문

My Prep.for green life/초록:별의 전공과 이용 관련

인간 게놈(genome, 유전체) 정보 1시간內 해독 가능할까?

김민섭 [Dr. rafael] 2012. 4. 14. 22:00

Nat. Nanotechnol., 6, 162-165 (2011) | doi:10.1038/nnano.2010.283


Fast DNA sequencing with a graphene-based nanochannel device

Seung Kyu Min, Woo Youn Kim†‡, Yeonchoo Cho and Kwang S. Kim*


Center for Superfunctional Materials, Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Hyojadong, Namgu, Pohang 790-784, Korea; Present address: Department of Chemistry, KAIST, Daejeon 305-701, Korea; These authors contributed equally to this work.


Devices in which a single strand of DNA is threaded through a nanopore could be used to efficiently sequence DNA1-9. However, various issues will have to be resolved to make this approach practical, including controlling the DNA translocation rate, suppressing stochastic nucleobase motions, and resolving the signal overlap between different nucleobases4,7. Here, we demonstrate theoretically the feasibility of DNA sequencing using a fluidic nanochannel functionalized with a graphene nanoribbon. This approach involves deciphering the changes that occur in the conductance of the nanoribbon10,11 as a result of its interactions with the nucleobases via ππ stacking12,13. We show that as a DNA strand passes through the nanochannel14, the distinct conductance characteristics of the nanoribbon15-17 (calculated using a method based on density functional theory coupled to non-equilibrium Green function theory18-20) allow the different nucleobases to be distinguished using a data-mining technique and a two-dimensional transient autocorrelation analysis. This fast and reliable DNA sequencing device should be experimentally feasible in the near future.








*.  인간 게놈 해독 시간 추이(13년->4년->4개월->3개월->1일(아직 검증 결과 아님) ->1시간?

*. 그렇다면 맞춤의학 시대 즉, 개별 인간 유전체 해독 + 맞춤 질병 예방 및 치료정보 제공

    1인당 서비스료 1000불 이내로 하면 보편적인 서비스 즉, 상용화가 가능할 것 같은데

    이같은 일이 언제쯤 현실이 될까?

*.  개인적 의견으로 짜임새있게 연구를 진행하면 국내에서 5년내 상용화 가능할 듯...

     이를 차질없이 수행하기 위하여 나도 그 구심점의 일원이 되었으면 했는데 오늘은 정말 기쁜 날이다. 

     여기에 과제 사업 총괄 및 자문 역할까지 기대할 수 있어서.. 2012.12.21.